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Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE

Portada del sitio > Estudios Científicos > Usuarios pasivos: Importante estudio japonés sobre los niveles que pueden (...)

Las actuales normativas no tiene en cuenta las propiedades de reflexión y aditividad de las ondas, que pueden hacer que se superen los niveles ICNIRP cuando unos cuantos usuarios utilizan el móvil a la vez

Usuarios pasivos: Importante estudio japonés sobre los niveles que pueden alcanzarse en trenes, autobuses y en grandes concentraciones humanas como estadios o conciertos

Rising Level of Public Exposure to Mobile Phones: Accumulation through Additivity and Reflectivity. Tsuyoshi HONDOU1;2* 1Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578 2Institut Curie, Section de Recherche, UMR 168, 26 rue d’Ulm, 75248 Paris Cedex 05, France Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 71, No. 2, February, 2002, pp. 432-435. 2002 The Physical Society of Japan

Viernes 7 de abril de 2006 · 1588 lecturas

A dramatic development occurring in our daily life is the increasing use of mobile equipment including mobile phones and wireless access to the Internet. They enable us to access several types of information more easily than in the past. Simultaneously, the density of mobile users is rapidly increasing. When hundreds of mobile phones emit radiation, their total power is found to be comparable to that of a microwave oven or a satellite broadcasting station. Thus, the question arises: what is the public exposure level in an area with many sources of electromagnetic wave emission? We show that this level can reach the reference level for general public exposure (ICNIRP Guideline) in daily life. This is caused by the fundamental properties of electromagnetic field, namely, re.ection and additivity. The level of exposure is found to be much higher than that estimated by the conventional framework of analysis that assumes that the level rapidly decreases with the inverse square distance between the source and the affected person. A simple formula for the exposure level is derived by applying energetics to the electromagnetic field. The formula reveals a potential risk of intensive exposure.