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Portada del sitio > Estudios Científicos > SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT: Increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and (...)

umwelt-medizin-gesellscha6, 26(1): 31-38.

SÍNDROME DE BURNOUT: Increasing incidence of burnout due to magnetic and electromagnetic fields of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies

Lunes 3 de junio de 2013 · 807 lecturas

Increasing incidence of burnout due
to magnetic and electromagnetic
fields of cell phone networks and
other wireless communication
Ulrich Warnke and Peter Hensinger
Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a psychosomatic stress disorder. Exogenous stress leads to oxidative
cellular stress, the formation of excessive reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species,
and reaction products (ROS/RNS). This then leads to mitochondrial metabolic dysfunction,
which results in a lack of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and subsequently in a diminished performance
of cells. Lack of ATP is a crucial factor in BOS, as well as in chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS). A crucial element in the multisystem disease BOS is inflammation as a consequence of
nitrosative and oxidative stress, as well as the acquired mitochondriopathy. Weak ambient magnetic
fields (e.g. from transformers in devices) and various radio-frequency resonances increase
the level of free radicals and their reaction products that have toxic effects. The nonionizing radiation
of cell phone networks and other wireless communication technologies (cell towers, cell
phones, Wi-Fi, etc.) also leads to cell stress. There is a correlation between the stress trigger due
to living conditions, magnetic fields, and RF radiation of cell phone networks and other wireless
communication technologies. The affected person will suffer from functional impairment and diseases;
and if these are hereditary, they will be passed on to the next generation as a pre-existing
defect, as is the case with e.g. “acquired energy dyssymbiosis syndrome" (AEDS).
Keywords: burnout, electromagnetic fields, mobile telephony, RF radiation, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS), chronic inflammation, chronic multisystem illness (CMI), acquired energy dyssymbiosis syndrome
Transla-on: By Katharina Gustavs and authorized by the author and publisher.
Original publica-tion: WARNKE U; HENSINGER P (2013): Steigende Burn-out“-Inzidenz durch technisch erzeugte magne-sche
und elektromagne-sche Felder des Mobil- und Kommunika-onsfunks; umwelt-medizin-gesellscha6, 26(1): 31-38.

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