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ESTADOS UNIDOS: Los Angeles county fire fighters: County Board of Supervisors did the right thing by voting unanimously to halt construction of cell towers at any County fire station where either the residents or the employees who live and work at that station have expressed health and safety concerns.

Jueves 26 de marzo de 2015 · 4302 lecturas

County Supervisors unanimously halt construction of toxic cell towers

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors did the right thing by voting unanimously to halt construction of cell towers at any County fire station where either the residents or the employees who live and work at that station have expressed health and safety concerns.

Click here to read Supervisor Antonovich’s motion to halt construction. [links to motion below].

This victory - though not the final word - was made possible by the solidarity of Local 1014 members and the tireless work of the Local 1014 Board of Directors. Together, we have testified before City Councils across the county, put our signatures on petitions, called the Board of Supervisors, and walked pounded the pavement at the County’s Hall of Administration.

Thank you for all of your hard work and support over the past weeks as we have demanded a voice in our own health and safety at our fire stations and an end to sneaky back room deals. Together, we have won an important battle, but the war is not over. We will keep you all apprised of ongoing developments.

During the Board meeting we were doing live Tweets. If you would like to see what was sent go HERE or from Twitter search: #notoxictowers


Dave Gillotte, Active Duty Fire Captain
President, LA County Firefighters Local 1014

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