New Studies Show Health Risks from Wireless Tech
New Studies Show Health Risks from Wireless Tech: Warnings from the BioInitiative Working Group/ University at Albany, Rensselaer, New York /April 16, 2014 The BioInitiative Working Group says evidence for health risk from wireless tech is growing stronger and warrants immediate action. The Group released a mid-year update covering new science studies from 2012 to 2014. New studies intensify medical concerns about malignant brain tumors (…)
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New Studies Show Health Risks from Wireless Tech: Warnings from the BioInitiative Working Group/ University at Albany, Rensselaer, New York /April 16, 2014
15 de abril de 2014 · 372 lecturas -
Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children
16 de mayo de 2008 · 1950 lecturasPrenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Children.Divan HA, Kheifets L, Obel C, Olsen J. From the aDepartment of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, CA; and bInstitute of Public Health, Department of General Practice, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.
BACKGROUND:: The World Health Organization has emphasized the need for research into the possible effects of radiofrequency fields in children. We (…) -
Dr. Sherill Sellman, ND: Effects of Electropollution On Hormones and Breast Cancer
18 de noviembre de 2007 · 5750 lecturasEffects of Electropollution On Hormones and Breast Cancer November 2007 Features A Dr. Sherill Sellman, ND
A defining moment in world history occurred in 1879 when Thomas Edison switched on the first light bulb. The flick of that switch radically transformed our world forever. The Age of Electricity was born.
Our love affair with all things electrical means that we now live in a dense sea of electro-magnetic energy waves, called electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) which are estimated to (…) -
Wi-fi: should we be worried?: Concern about the safety of wireless networks is mounting, with people blaming everything from headaches to cancer on the technology
12 de diciembre de 2006 · 9270 lecturasThe Times, 11/12/06
Wi-fi: should we be worried? Nicki Daniels
Concern about the safety of wireless networks is mounting, with people blaming everything from headaches to cancer on the technology It started as a low murmur, and has now risen to a persistent hum. Thanks partly to a lively correspondence in the pages of The Times, the debate about the safety of wireless networks is gathering momentum. Is this new technology a threat to human health comparable to smoking - as some (…) -
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
10 de noviembre de 2006 · 3020 lecturasPROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 68, NO. 1, JANUARY 1980
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation. DONALD I. MCREE
Abstract - A large amount of literature on the biological effects of microwave rodiation has been obtained from the Soviet Union and other Eastem European countries since 1973. This literature reports changes in almost all biological systems at exposure power densities less than 10 mW/cm2. Since 1976 an increased amount of data using (…) -
3 de agosto de 2006 · 1529 lecturasElectrical power lines are ubiquitous in the developed world and in urban areas of the developing world. All electrical currents, including those running through power lines, generate electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). Electrical power lines, towers, and distribution poles are used by birds for perching, hunting, and nesting. Therefore, many bird species, like humans, are exposed to EMFs throughout their lives. EMFs have been implicated in adversely affecting multiple facets of human (…)
Noticias desde México (Guaymas): "Antenas asesinas"
7 de julio de 2006 · 5699 lecturasArrecian guaymenses Vs. “antenas asesinas”
Reciben solidaridad internacional desde Espańa, que dicen estar dispuestos a ayudarles con opiniones sobre el tema
Preparan ciudadanos protestas ante sedes del Gobierno de Sonora y del Poder Judicial Federal en Hermosillo
Fernando Villa Escárciga
Mientras parlotean con su inocencia temprana, casi mil nińas y nińos de dos escuelas son amenazados por un monstruo en ciernes: Una gigantesca antena de telefonía que, según (…) -
Electrical Sensitivity: Artículo de ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG & SUSAN MOLLOY
30 de mayo de 2006 · 3970 lecturasElectrical Sensitivity
ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG & SUSAN MOLLOY / Latitudes v.5, i.4 2002 1jul02
The 750,000-watt Doppler weather radar at Fort Dix, New Jersey, overlooks the Township of Brick. Why is that of interest to anyone but meteorologists? It’s not, except that eight out of every 1000 children born in Brick since the radar station was built in 1994 are autistic.
The Brick Township Autism Investigation (1), conducted in 1998 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (…) -
Los niños menores de 16 años no deben utilizar teléfonos móviles si no es por absoluta necesidad
22 de noviembre de 2005 · 1992 lecturas
Moscow , State Research Center - Institute of Biophysics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Center for Bioelectromagnetic Compatibility 18.11.2005 The number of underage subscribers of mobile communications is swiftly growing, although both the World Health Organization and Russian physicians do not recommend children under the age of 16 to use cellular (…) -
Revisión de Henry Lai
12 de noviembre de 2005 · 2100 lecturasPaper presented at “The Biological Effects, Health Consequences and Standards for Pulsed Radiofrequency Field”, an international seminar sponsored by the International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection and the World Health Organization, at the Ettoll Majorare, Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, November 21-25, 1999.
Memory and Behavior
Henry Lai
Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, (…)