Kraftig í¶kning av mí¤n med rubbningar i testiklarnas funktion
Enligt Socialstyrelsens statistik í¶ver antal patienter som varje í¥r besí¶ker den specialiserade í¶ppenví¥rden í¶kar antalet patienter med rubbningar i testiklarnas funktion kraftigt de senaste tio í¥ren. Mobilstrí¥lning kan enligt upprepad forskning skada testiklarnas funktion och minska det manliga kí¶nshormonet testosteron.
Nyligen publicerade vi resultaten av en forskningsí¶versikt som visade att forskningen upprepat (…)
Portada del sitio > Temas relacionados > Dolencias y síntomas > Fertilidad
Kraftig í¶kning av mí¤n med rubbningar i testiklarnas funktion
15 de octubre de 2021 · 350 lecturas -
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Health impact of 5G Current state of knowledge of 5G-related carcinogenic and reproductive/developmental hazards as they emerge from epidemiological studies and in vivo experimental studies
30 de agosto de 2021 · 54621 lecturasThe upcoming deployment of 5G mobile networks will allow for significantly faster mobile broadband speeds and increasingly extensive mobile data usage. Technical innovations include a different transmission system (MIMO: use of multiple" input and multiple" output antennas), directional signal transmission or reception (beamforming), and the use of other frequency ranges. At the same time, a change is expected in the exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) of humans and the environment. In (…)
3 de febrero de 2020 · 729 lecturasAVAATE quiere dedicar este trabajo, publicado por eminentes toxicólogos en una importante revista de toxicología, a todos los que buscan de forma desinteresada y con rigor la información científica, contra la corriente generalizada de desinformación de la sociedad actual.
Ver el graphical abstract, pulsando sobre el icono a continuación:
HIGHLIGHTS ï‚· Identifies wide-spectrum of adverse health effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation ï‚· Most laboratory experiments were not (…) -
The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on sperm function
21 de septiembre de 2016 · 462 lecturasThe effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on sperm function
Ver el abstract original AQUÍ -
Forbes Magazine Caves to Industry Pressure...
17 de enero de 2015 · 403 lecturasForbes Magazine Caves to Industry Pressure January 17, 2015 in -Mailing List, Cell phone news, Corporate influence on Science, Tobacco science and the art of spin by EMFacts From Joel M. Moskowitz
Joel"s comment: An annotated version of the original Forbes article (Jan 12, 2015), "Study Suggests Wi-Fi Exposure More Dangerous To Kids Than Previously Thought," is available on the The "Take Back Your Power" web site if you wish to compare the original version of this article with the (…) -
Baby monitor health warning: Devices may emit harmful radiation
5 de diciembre de 2014 · 598 lecturasTHEY’VE been a saviour for many parents, but there are concerns wireless baby monitors could be dangerous.
Brisbane-based author and researcher Donna Fisher called for a ban on the baby monitors, worried the radiation they emit could be harmful to children. Ms Fisher drew on a World Health Organisation ruling that radiation emitted from the monitors was “possibly carcinogenic”.
Ms Fisher also said the radiation from the devices had the potential to cause reproductive problems, chronic (…) -
Are men talking their reproductive health away?
3 de diciembre de 2014 · 1392 lecturasAre men talking their reproductive health away?
The advent of mobile phones has revolutionized communication trends across the globe. As the popularity of mobile phone usage continues to escalate, there is now growing concern about the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) exposure on biological tissues, such as the brain and testes. Researchers have sought to link the much debated decline in human sperm quality in the last decade, with increased exposure to RF-EMW, (…) -
Effect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis
11 de junio de 2014 · 794 lecturasEffect of mobile telephones on sperm quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis☆ Jessica A. Adams a, Tamara S. Galloway a, Debapriya Mondal a, Sandro C. Esteves b, Fiona Mathews a,⁎ a Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Hatherly Laboratories, Prince of Wales Road, University of Exeter, EX4 4PS, UK b Androfert, Andrology and Human Reproduction Clinic, Campinas, Brazil a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 14 January 2014 Accepted 22 April (…)
BioInitiative Working Group exposes SCENIHR process irregularities
29 de abril de 2014 · 656 lecturasBioInitiative Working Group exposes SCENIHR process irregularities April 29, 2014 From Cindy Sage
30 April 2014
John F. Ryan, Acting Director Public Health Directorate Health and Consumers Directorate General European Commission L-2920 Luxembourg +352 4301 32719
Re: SCENIHR Preliminary Opinion on Potential Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
Dear Mr. Ryan,
The BioInitiative Working Group has reviewed the Preliminary Opinion on Potential Health (…) -
Cell phone usage and erectile function. Cent European J Urol. 2013; 66(1): 75–77.
28 de marzo de 2014 · 1150 lecturasCell phone usage and erectile function
Abstract Introduction
The objective of this pilot study was to report our experience concerning the effects of cell phone usage on erectile function (EF) in men. Material and Methods
We recruited 20 consecutive men complaining of erectile dysfunction (ED) for at least six months (Group A), and another group of 10 healthy men with no complaints of ED (Group B). Anamnesis, basic laboratory investigations, and clinical examinations were performed. (…)