Primavera silenciosa "El secreto más importante para superar la infección está por tanto en favorecer nuestras defensas y en evitar en lo posible los factores que las echan a perder"
Artículo publicado en la edición digital de El Norte de Castilla, el Domingo, 29 marzo de 2020
Alfonso Balmori, biólogo
Ha empezado una primavera extraña, confinada, silenciosa, como en el conocido libro de Rachel (…)
Portada del sitio > Temas relacionados > Dolencias y síntomas > Sistema inmunitario
Sistema inmunitario
Primavera silenciosa
29 de marzo de 2020 · 1034 lecturas -
El 5G como colaborador de la pandemia del Coronavirus / 5G as accelerant for the Coronavirus pandemic
24 de marzo de 2020 · 2055 lecturasEl 5G como colaborador de la pandemia del Coronavirus: El 5G debilita el sistema inmunitario
La pandemia de Coronavirus comenzó en la ciudad china de Wuhan, uno de los primeros lugares del mundo equipado con las tres bandas de frecuencia de 5G. Por lo tanto, las personas allí están expuestas a radiaciones muy fuertes. Claramente, este no ha sido el origen del virus. Pero el profesor Buchner enfatiza: "Existe evidencia científica clara de que la propagación de virus se acelera por la (…) -
American Academy of Environmen tal Medicine. Wireless Smart Meter Case Studies. The peer reviewed, scientific literature demonstrates the correlation between EMF/RF exposure and neurological , cardiac, and pulmonary disease as well as reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction, cancer and other health conditions. The evidence is irrefutable.
9 de noviembre de 2013 · 1513 lecturasAmerican Academy of Environmen tal Medicine 6505 E Central • Ste 296 • Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 684 5500 • Fax: (316) 684 5709 Wireless Smart Meter Case Studies Founded in 1965 as a non profit medical association, the American Acade my of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) is an international organization of physician and scientists interested in the complex relationship between the environment and health. AAEM physicians and physicians world wide are treating patients who (…)
Letter from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine concerning High-Powered WiFi Systems in Schools
26 de marzo de 2013 · 916 lecturasAmerican Academy of Environmental Medicine 6505 E Central • Ste 296 • Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 684-5500 • Fax: (316) 684-5709
March 19, 2013 Letter from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine concerning High-Powered WiFi Systems in Schools
Los Angeles Unified School District 333 S Beaudry Ave #24 Los Angeles, CA 90017
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine comprises Medical Doctors, Osteopaths and PhD researchers focusing on the effects of (…) -
PERÚ: Estudios científicos revelan que las antenas de telefonía causan cáncer. Las tecnologías inalámbricas provocan secuelas adversas para la salud si las exposiciones son prolongadas o crónicas, alertan reportes internacionales.
28 de febrero de 2013 · 2962 lecturasEstudios científicos revelan que las antenas de telefonía causan cáncer
Enviado por Redactor el Jue, 28/02/2013 - 02:00.
Las tecnologías inalámbricas provocan secuelas adversas para la salud si las exposiciones son prolongadas o crónicas, alertan reportes internacionales. POR EMILIO GRILLO Ante la proliferación de antenas de telefonía celular en zonas residenciales de Lima, como la ubicada en la esquina de las calles Blas Cerdeńa y Santa Margarita, en San Isidro, el destacado (…) -
Suppression of natural killer cell activity on Candida stellatoidea by a 50 Hz magnetic field.
24 de noviembre de 2011 · 955 lecturasElectromagn Biol Med. 2006;25(2):79-85. Suppression of natural killer cell activity on Candida stellatoidea by a 50 Hz magnetic field. Canseven AG, Seyhan N, Mirshahidi S, Imir T. Source
Department of Biophysics, Gazi University Medical Faculty, Ankara, Turkey. Abstract
Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) is ubiquitous for almost all individuals living in industrialized countries. Epidemiological and laboratory studies suggest that exposure to Extremely Low (…) -
Hygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body. North-West Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health, St.-Petersburg, Russia
28 de marzo de 2011 · 2275 lecturasHygienic, clinical and epidemiological analysis of disturbances induced by radio frequency EMF exposure in human body V.N. Nikitina North-West Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health, St.-Petersburg, Russia Conclusions 1. Performed studies suggest the identity of health disturbances among the workers exposed to low intensity HF and SHF EMR. 2. The disease induced by electromagnetic radiation is clinically manifested in vegetative dystonia syndrome with typical subjective complaints, (…)
Autoimmune Process after Long-Term Low-Level Exposure to Electromagnetic Field (Experimental Results).
27 de marzo de 2011 · 1124 lecturasAutoimmune Process after Long-Term Low-Level Exposure
to Electromagnetic Field (Experimental Results).
Biophysics, 2010, Vol. 55, No. 6,
Estudio original completo en pdf -
INDIA: Its official now: Radiation from your cell phone may be killing you. VER EL EXCELENTE INFORME COMPLETO DEL Prof Girish Kumar, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT IIT Bombay
14 de enero de 2011 · 1596 lecturasIts official now: Radiation from your cell phone may be killing you Published: Sunday, Jan 2, 2011, 17:36 IST By Priya Adhyaru Majithia | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA After many years of debate over the health hazards posed by mobile phones, a recent report finally establishes it.
The exhaustive report has been submitted recently to the Department of Telecom by Prof Girish Kumar of IIT-Bombay’s department of electrical engineering.
Kumar, who has done extensive research on cell (…) -
Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment
5 de mayo de 2009 · 1689 lecturasDisturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment
Olle Johansson ∗ The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Received 23 August 2008; accepted 30 January 2009
Abstract A number of papers dealing with the effects of modern, man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the immune system are summarized in (…)