Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Yoon-Jung Choi 1,2,3," , Joel M. Moskowitz 4," , Seung-Kwon Myung 1,5,6,*, Yi-Ryoung Lee 7and Yun-Chul Hong 2,3,8,*
1 Department of Family Medicine and Center for Cancer Prevention and Detection, Hospital, National Cancer Center, Goyang 10408, Korea; hierica8@snu.ac.kr
2 Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-744, Korea
3 Environmental Health Center, College (…)
Portada del sitio > Temas relacionados > Dolencias y síntomas > Tumor cerebral
Tumor cerebral
Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
5 de noviembre de 2020 · 514 lecturas -
Lésions de l’ADN, cancers du cerveau : 434 médecins et 900 professionnels de la santé belges sonnent l"™alerte sur la 5G / 434 médicos y 900 profesionales de la salud belgas hacen sonar la alerta con el 5G
3 de mayo de 2020 · 1457 lecturasLésions de l’ADN, cancers du cerveau : 434 médecins et 900 professionnels de la santé belges sonnent l"alerte sur la 5G Une opinion signée par 434 médecins belges et 900 professionnels de la santé (voir la liste des signataires au bas de l’article).
Ver también: http://www.avaate.org/spip.php?article2845
Face au déploiement massif et inconsidéré des technologies sans fil, nous, professionnels de la santé, demandons au gouvernement de faire appliquer le principe de précaution afin de (…) -
3 de febrero de 2020 · 729 lecturasAVAATE quiere dedicar este trabajo, publicado por eminentes toxicólogos en una importante revista de toxicología, a todos los que buscan de forma desinteresada y con rigor la información científica, contra la corriente generalizada de desinformación de la sociedad actual.
Ver el graphical abstract, pulsando sobre el icono a continuación:
HIGHLIGHTS ï‚· Identifies wide-spectrum of adverse health effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation ï‚· Most laboratory experiments were not (…) -
Evidencia científica y telefonía móvil
14 de noviembre de 2018 · 2138 lecturasEvidencia científica y telefonía móvil Alfonso Balmori, Biólogo Jaime Balmori, Licenciado en Derecho
Artículo publicado en "El Norte de Castilla" el 14 de noviembre de 2018
Recientemente se han publicado y difundido los resultados de dos importantes estudios científicos de gran duración, coste económico e importancia. El primero de ellos es un estudio americano, realizado por el Programa Nacional de Toxicología (NTP) del "National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)" (…) -
Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report.
3 de noviembre de 2018 · 986 lecturasCell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report
Rats Developed Rare Heart Tumor Cancer Link Was Once Thought Impossible
November 1, 2018 "We believe that the link between radiofrequency (RF) radiation and tumors in male rats is real," says John Bucher, the former associate director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP).
The announcement accompanies this morning"s release of the NTP final reports of studies on cancer in rats and mice exposed to cell phone (…) -
The NTP studies found that high exposure to RFR used by cell phones was associated with: Clear evidence of tumors in the hearts of male rats. The tumors were malignant schwannomas.
2 de noviembre de 2018 · 9864 lecturasCell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation Final reports from the rat and mouse studies, plus the press release and fact sheet, are now available. Cell phone Research Overview
Status: Completed Substances: Cell Phone Radiation: GSM, Cell Phone Radiation: CDMA Nominated: May 1999 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Cell phones are currently used by 95% of American adults. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nominated radio frequency radiation (RFR) used by cell phones for an NTP study because of (…) -
Estudio del NTP: "œClear Evidence" of Cell Phone Cancer Risk, Say Leading Pathologists
10 de abril de 2018 · 606 lecturas"Clear Evidence" of Cell Phone Cancer Risk, Say Leading Pathologists.
Why Peer Review Panel and NTP Interpreted the Same Animal Data Differently
Ver el artículo completo AQUÍ -
Increasing incidence of aggressive brain tumour (glioblastoma multiforme) in England during 1995-2015
26 de marzo de 2018 · 1245 lecturasIncreasing incidence of aggressive brain tumour (glioblastoma multiforme) in England during 1995-2015
A recent article describes increasing incidence of the most malignant type of brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) in England during 1995-2015. The number of patients increased from 2.4 to 5.0 per 100,000 during that time period. In total the yearly increase was from 983 to 2,531 patients, thus a substantial number. The incidence of low-grade glioma decreased but was stabilized from (…) -
Acoustic Neuroma and Cell Phone Use
27 de abril de 2017 · 596 lecturasAcoustic Neuroma and Cell Phone Use
From Joel Moskowitz
The Associated Press recently reported that two courts in Italy, including the Italian Supreme Court, have awarded compensation to individuals who suffered from acoustic neuroma from heavy cell phone use.
"The Codacons consumer protection agency says it is considering a class-action based on the Romeo decision to have cellphones carry health warnings in Italy, and also to have the health risks associated with cellphone use (…) -
FLORENCIA, ITALIA: Danni da uso del cellulare Un"™altra sentenza a Firenze
26 de abril de 2017 · 611 lecturasDanni da uso del cellulare Un"altra sentenza a Firenze
L"Inail condannata a risarcire un lavoratore affetto da neurinoma: ha usato il telefonino per 2-3 ore al giorno per 10 anni. La perizia parla di "elevata probabilití tra uso del cellulare e malattia insorta"
Dopo il tribunale di Ivrea, anche quello di Firenze, ha riconosciuto il collegamento tra l"uso non corretto del telefono cellulare e l"insorgere di una malattia al nervo acustico. Lo ha riferito l"avvocato Paolo Maresca che, con (…)