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A brain tumors’ epidemic in Medellin

Domingo 23 de diciembre de 2007 · 1318 lecturas

A brain tumors’ epidemic in Medellin
About a month ago I had the opportunity to speak to a very prestigious neurologist and neurosurgeon in Medellin: Dr. Adolfo Cumplido.

Dr. Cumplido was one of my neurology professors and he’s an excellent neurosurgeon too. I had the chance to tell him about my ordeal with microwave radiation and my encephalopathy. Though he did not know much about the Microwave Syndrome, just like it happens with most physicians around the globe, he is very much aware of the tens/hundreds of tumors that are resulting in patients who use cell phones in the city. The Neurosurgery Department at San Vicente de Paul University Hospital (a fourth level complexity hospital) is alarmed because of the rocketing numbers of brain tumors in the city. Twenty years ago, Medellin could count 1 or 2 tumors (at the most) a year of the astrocytoma type. "Just in this clinic (Rosario clinic), I have had four this month, not counting the others that I have in different hospitals in the city", stated Dr. Cumplido.

The valley where Medellin is located has around 650 cell phone masts according to city authorities and more than 3,000 microwave sources including cell phone telephony according to the National Ministry of Communications. The total population is around 1.5 million including all the metropolitan area. The mountains seem to concentrate the electromagnetic smog coming from cell phone masts and WiFi sources.

This situation appeared in the city in close association with the criminal irradiation with microwaves of unarmed and ignorant citizens. This is not due to spontaneous generation as the World Health Organization seems to defend. Science is extremely objective and the disregard of its principles is being payed in terms of coffins with a planetary laughter of Repacholi and his heritage.

Why does Emily Perkins van Deventer not say a word about the Koch- Henle postulates and the epidemic of brain tumors in Medellin? Why hasn’t the World Health Organization warned the Colombian government about the CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP between microwave exposure and the clinical manifestations of electromagnetic resonances? Who is the expert that the World Health Organization has in the field of the effects of microwaves in Clinical Medicine and what are his/her academic credentials? How many Microwave Syndrome patients has he/she treated?

Why is it that we have to withstand an electrical engineer running an international HEALTH institution? Would the Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) of the United States accept a surgeon or a pathologist or a gynecologist in its board of directors? Is Emily Perkins van Deventer working for the World ENGINEERS’ Organization? What is the World Health Organization doing about this epidemic in Medellin? Why hasn’t an epidemiological alert been sent out? How much more time will we have to wait? How much money does it take to buy you back to honesty and good will, Emily?

It does appear like the chain of frauds after Repacholi will continue ad infinitum, no matter how many get sick or how many have to die.

Dr. Carlos Sosa, MD

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