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Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Artículo original completo

Viernes 23 de julio de 2010 · 4078 lecturas

Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations.

Human populations are increasingly exposed to
microwave/radiofrequency (RF) emissions from wireless
communication technology, including mobile
phones and their base stations. By searching PubMed,
we identified a total of 10 epidemiological studies that
assessed for putative health effects of mobile phone
base stations. Seven of these studies explored the association
between base station proximity and neurobehavioral
effects and three investigated cancer. We
found that eight of the 10 studies reported increased
prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or
cancer in populations living at distances < 500 meters
from base stations. None of the studies reported exposure
above accepted international guidelines, suggesting
that current guidelines may be inadequate in protecting
the health of human populations. We believe
that comprehensive epidemiological studies of longterm
mobile phone base station exposure are urgently
required to more definitively understand its health
impact. Key words: base stations; electromagnetic field
(EMF); epidemiology; health effects; mobile phone;
radiofrequency (RF); electromagnetic radiation.

Ver el abstract original AQUÍ

Despite variations in the design, size and quality of
these studies as summarized in Table 1, it is the consistency
of the base-station epidemiological literature
from several countries that we find striking. In
particular, the increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral
symptoms or cancer in populations
living at distances < 500 meters from base stations
found in 80% of the available studies. It should be
pointed out that the overall findings of health problems
associated with base stations might be based on
methodological weaknesses, especially since exposure
to RF electromagnetic radiation was not always
There are some proposed mechanisms via which
low-intensity EMF might affect animal and human
health,16,17 but full comprehensive mechanisms still
remain to be determined.18,19 Despite this, the accumulating
epidemiological literature pertaining to the
health effects of mobile phones13,20 and their base stations
(Table 1) suggests that previous exposure standards
based on the thermal effects of EMF should no
longer be regarded as tenable. In August 2007, an
international working group of scientists, researchers,
and public health policy professionals (the BioInitiative
Working Group) released its report on EMF and
health.21 It raised evidence-based concerns about the
safety of existing public limits that regulate how much
EMF is allowable from power lines, cellular phones,
base stations, and many other sources of EMF exposure
in daily life. The BioInitiative Report21 provided
detailed scientific information on health impacts
when people were exposed to electromagnetic radiation
hundreds or even thousands of times below limits
currently established by the FCC and International
Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection in
Europe (ICNIRP). The authors reviewed more than
2000 scientific studies and reviews, and have concluded
that: (1) the existing public safety limits are
inadequate to protect public health; and (2) from a
public health policy standpoint, new public safety
limits and limits on further deployment of risky technologies
are warranted based on the total weight of
evidence.21 A precautionary limit of 1 mW/m2 (0.1
microW/cm2 or 0.614 V/m) was suggested in Section
17 of the BioInitiative Report to be adopted for outdoor,
cumulative RF exposure.21 This limit is a cautious
approximation based on the results of several
human RF-EMF studies in which no substantial
adverse effects on well being were found at low exposures
akin to power densities of less than 0.5 - 1
mW/m2.2,5,22-26 RF-EMF exposure at distances > 500 m
from the types of mobile phone base stations reviewed
herein should fall below the precautionary limit of
0.614 V/m.

descargar el artículo completo: AQUÍ

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