European Economic and Social Committee
PUBLIC HEARING ON Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Brussels, 4 November 2014
Venue: EESC - 99, rue Belliard – 1040 Brussels (Room JDE 52)
9:00–9:30 Registration
9:30–9:35 Welcome
Stéphane Buffetaut, president of the EESC Section for Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN)
9:35–9:50 Introductory presentation: How is the issue currently dealt with at EU level?
Donata Meroni, deputy head of Unit for health information, DG SANCO, European Commission
9:50-11:00 Views on the topic: why the EU should deal with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and what should be the approach?
Susana Galera Rodrigo, Professor of Administrative Law, King Juan Carlos University Madrid
Marc Cendrier, Robin des Toits (Association Nationale pour la Securité Sanitaire dans les Technologies sans fil), France (tbc)
Representative of a telecom operator (tbc)
Representative of the International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance (IEMFA) (tbc)
Inés Ayala Sender, Member of the European Parliament
Moderated by Cveto Stantič, president of the EESC study group on electromagnetic hypersensitivity
11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-12:20 Debate with the audience
Moderated by Antonio Polica, member of the EESC study group on electromagnetic hypersensitivity
12:20-12:30 Conclusions
Bernardo Hernández Bataller, EESC rapporteur on electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Interpreting will be available from ES/EN/FR/SL into ES/EN/FR/SL.