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FRANCIA: moratorium on the terminals wifi was announced at the Paris III Sorbonne University at the last meeting of the health and safety.

Jueves 14 de mayo de 2009 · 1597 lecturas

A moratorium on Wi-Fi at the Paris III Sorbonne University

The wifi in relief in several libraries in Paris Created 13/05/09 - Last updated at 19h16
A moratorium on the terminals wifi was announced at the Paris III Sorbonne University at the last meeting of the health and safety. A decision which is in full debate on the harmfulness of the airwaves. The decision concerns the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Sainte-Barbe, of Oriental Languages and Documentation Center of the Faculty of Censier. At the last meeting of its Health and Safety Committee, the Paris III Sorbonne University announced it had implemented a moratorium to suspend the wireless terminals that operate in these
places and which allow access to wireless internet.
Since the launch on 23 April of Grenelle meeting on waves, on base stations and
mobile phones, the wireless terminal is increasingly often on the scene while the
subject was not addressed. Hérouville the municipality of Saint-Clair in Calvados
also decided to cut the wifi in schools by the end of the year.
"The health problem (posed by wireless terminals NDLR) is similar to that posed
by mobile phones," says Stephen Cendrier, spokesman for the Association Robin
roofs. Libraries in Paris, several employees have complained about and problems
with memory or language problems, nausea, vomiting or dizziness. And have
questioned the wifi.
Scientists are still on this issue more carefully. Hours for Martine, a medical
epidemiologist at the National Institute for Research on Transport and Safety, in
general, "explains the relatively low wifi" and essentially "when there are many
transfers of data." The mayor of Paris had launched a study in several libraries in
2007. The measures indicated levels of electromagnetic waves of 80 to 400 times
lower than the reference level the lowest.

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