Portada del sitio > Estudios Científicos > Indications of possible brain-tumour risk in mobile-phone studies: should we (…)

Cardis E, Sadetzki S. Occup Environ Med (2010)

Indications of possible brain-tumour risk in mobile-phone studies: should we be concerned? Elisabeth Cardis,1 Siegal Sadetzki2

Martes 1ro de febrero de 2011 · 1552 lecturas

Indications of possible brain-tumour risk in mobile-phone studies: should we be concerned? Elisabeth Cardis,1 Siegal Sadetzki2

Cardis E, Sadetzki S. Occup Environ Med (2010). doi:10.1136/oem.2010.061358

There are now more than 4
billion people, including children, using
mobile phones. Even a small risk at the
individual level could eventually result in
a considerable number of tumours and
become an important public-health issue.

Simple and low-cost measures, such as the
use of text messages, hands-free kits and/
or the loud-speaker mode of the phone
could substantially reduce exposure to the
brain from mobile phones. Therefore,
until definitive scientific answers are
available, the adoption of such precautions,
particularly among young people, is

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