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Internationally-acclaimed biochemist calls for action against Smart Meters, WiFi in schools & baby monitors

Lunes 22 de septiembre de 2014 · 569 lecturas

Internationally-acclaimed biochemist calls for action against Smart Meters, WiFi in schools & baby monitors Home → Health Effects → Internationally-acclaimed biochemist calls for action against Smart Meters, WiFi in schools & baby monitors
Prof. Martin Pall is the Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University. He has been studying environmental medicine and chronic illnesses for nearly 15 years and has received eight international honours for his work.

In this short presentation, Prof. Pall lays to rest the misconception that non-ionising radiation needs to cause heating to cause biological damage – by explaining that pathological mechanisms for wireless harm begin with Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) activation at non-thermal levels. He concludes by calling for Wi-Fi in schools, Smart Meters and wireless baby monitors to be “abolished”.

As Prof. Pall discusses, electromagnetic radiation from wireless technologies is especially harmful when pulsed – as is the case with Smart Meters which can emit up to 190,000 pulses of RF-radiation per day from each meter. The UK’s heavily out-dated public RF exposure thresholds, however, make no allowance for the effects of these extremely bio-active emissions, meaning that if you use wireless devices, your health is at risk from the effects which Prof. Pall describes.

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