Portada del sitio > Prensa > Japan’s smartphone ’zombies’ wreak havoc on the streets

Japan’s smartphone ’zombies’ wreak havoc on the streets

Viernes 14 de noviembre de 2014 · 333 lecturas

Tokyo (AFP) - When the lights change at the Shibuya crossing in Japan’s capital, one of the world’s busiest pedestrian thoroughfares, hundreds of people with their eyes glued to smartphones pick their way over the road.

Despite being engrossed in the latest instalment of Candy Crush or busy chatting with their friends on messaging app Line, most manage to weave around cyclists, skateboarders and fellow Tokyoites.

But the growing ranks of these cellphone addicts are turning cities like Tokyo, London, New York and Hong Kong into increasingly hazardous hotspots, where zombified shoppers appear to be part of vast games of human pinball....

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