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MAINE, USA: Rep. Andrea Boland is the first state legislator to propose a bill that would require warning labels on cell phones.

Jueves 21 de enero de 2010 · 1170 lecturas

Camilla Rees Interviews Representative Andrea Boland (D-Sanford) of

Rep. Andrea Boland is the first state legislator to propose a bill
that would require warning labels on cell phones. Learn what this bill, the Children’s Wireless
Protection Act (LD 1706), is calling for, what the warning label will
look like and how Rep. Boland views her role as an elected official
responsible for assuring the public is educated on important matters
related to their health.

Hearings are scheduled for February 25th in the state’s capitol,
Augusta, with the vote in early March.

Listen to Audio Interview:

Please share this with any connections you may have in Maine.
Encourage them to contact their state Representatives and Senators
asking them to vote YES on the Children’s Wireless Protection Act.

Quotes from Rep. Boland:

"If our elected leaders don’t tell the truth-get important information
out to people that can allow them to independently make good decisions
about their own well being-who is going to do it? "We’re in the
situation today where nationwide and even globally, our habitat, our
environment, our health has become severely degraded precisely because
governments have been asleep at the switch or looking the other way,
unduly influenced by industries who are very powerful and sometimes
defending irresponsible practices in light of contrary findings that
dictate different choices for peoples health. This has got to stop.

"And we have an opportunity to stop it right here in Maine, with
warning labels on cell phones. We really have to focus on the people
and trust that industry and its products can be brought into line to
work for the people as well as for the owners.

"Leadership is about taking the path of truth and integrity-naming
problems and correcting them without delay. The time is now to warn
citizens and especially children and pregnant women about
the hazards of cell phone radiation.

"And I want to add that this is not a partisan issue. This is about
our health. The health of fetuses and children. Preventing an epidemic
of brain tumors. Protecting our DNA. Its a very simple step to put
warning labels on cell phones. And I hope that all the representatives
and senators in the Main legislature will join me in taking a stand
for health education and prevention when it comes to cell phone
radiation hazards and proudly support the Children’s Wireless
Protection Act.

"Personally, I am very proud to be from Maine, and I hope on this
issue, like on so many others, we will lead the nation to better

Please share this interview of Rep. Boland with any connections you
may have in Maine. Encourage them to contact their state
Representatives and Senators and ask them to vote YES on the
Children’s Wireless Protection Act.

Camilla Rees, founder of www.ElectromagneticHealth.org, is co-author
of "Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution"
(www.Amazon.com) and EMF advisor and environmental consultant to
physicians, patients and numerous health education groups.

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