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European Journal of Oncology Library Vol. 5, 273-300

Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from DECT phone affects autonomic nervous system M. Havas, J. Marrongelle, B. Pollner, E. Kelley, C.R.G. Rees, L. Tully

Sábado 23 de octubre de 2010 · 6817 lecturas

Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave
radiation from DECT phone affects autonomic nervous system
M. Havas, J. Marrongelle, B. Pollner, E. Kelley, C.R.G. Rees, L. Tully


Aim: The effect of pulsed (100 Hz) microwave (MW) radiation on heart rate
variability (HRV) was tested in a double blind study. Materials and Methods:
Twenty-five subjects in Colorado between the ages of 37 to 79 completed an
electrohypersensitivity (EHS) questionnaire. After recording their orthostatic
HRV, we did continuous real-time monitoring of HRV in a provocation study,
where supine subjects were exposed for 3-minute intervals to radiation generated
by a cordless phone at 2.4 GHz or to sham exposure. Results: Questionnaire:
Based on self-assessments, participants classified themselves as
extremely electrically sensitive (24%), moderately (16%), slightly (16%), not
sensitive (8%) or with no opinion (36%) about their sensitivity. The top 10
symptoms experienced by those claiming to be sensitive include memory problems,
difficulty concentrating, eye problems, sleep disorder, feeling unwell,
headache, dizziness, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, and heart palpitations. The five
most common objects allegedly causing sensitivity were fluorescent lights,
antennas, cell phones, Wi-Fi, and cordless phones. Provocation Experiment:
Forty percent of the subjects experienced some changes in their HRV attributable
to digitally pulsed (100 Hz) MW radiation. For some the response was
extreme (tachycardia), for others moderate to mild (changes in sympathetic
nervous system and/or parasympathetic nervous system). and for some there
was no observable reaction either because of high adaptive capacity or because
of systemic neurovegetative exhaustion. Conclusions: Orthostatic HRV
combined with provocation testing may provide a diagnostic test for some EHS
sufferers when they are exposed to electromagnetic emitting devices. This is the
first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both Heart
Rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV) associated with MW exposure at levels well below (0.5%) federal guidelines in Canada and the United States (1000
Key Words: heart rate variability, microwave radiation, DECT phone, autonomic
nervous system, provocation study, sympathetic, parasympathetic, cordless
phone, 2.4 GHz, electrohypersensitivity

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