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Revisión de Henry Lai
Sábado 12 de noviembre de 2005 · 2100 lecturas
Paper presented at “The Biological Effects, Health Consequences and Standards for Pulsed Radiofrequency Field”, an international seminar sponsored by the International Commission on Nonionizing Radiation Protection and the World Health Organization, at the Ettoll Majorare, Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy, November 21-25, 1999.
Memory and Behavior
Henry Lai
Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory,
Department of Bioengineering,
University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington,
The nervous system is very sensitive to environmental disturbance. In the proceedings of an international symposium on the “Biological Effects and Health Hazard of Microwave Radiation” hold in Warsaw, Poland in 1973, it was stated in a summary section that ‘the reaction of the central nervous system to microwaves may serve as an early indicator of disturbances in regulatory functions of many systems’ [Czerski et al., 1974].
Disturbance to the nervous system leads to behavioral changes. On the other hand, alteration in behavior would imply a change in function of the nervous system. Studies on the effect of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on behavior have been carried out since the beginning of Bioelectromagnetics research. Some of these studies are briefly reviewed below.
It has been speculated that a pulsed RFR is more potent than its continuous-wave (CW) counterpart in causing biological effects [e.g., Barenski, 1972; Frey et al., 1975; Oscar and Hawkins, 1977]. To evaluate this, it is necessary to compare the effects of pulsed RFR with those of CW radiation. Thus, studies on both CW and pulsed (and frequency-modulated) RFRs are included in this review. Comparing the effects of CW and pulsed RFR can actually be related to the popular debate on the distinction between ‘thermal’ and ‘non-thermal/athermal’ effect. If an effect is elicited by a pulsed RFR but not by a CW RFR of the same frequency and intensity under the same exposure conditions, it may imply the existence of ‘non-thermal/athermal’ effect...
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