Portada del sitio > Prensa > Scotland: Health fears prompt call to stop building power lines: "They (…)

Professor Denis Henshaw, a member of SAGE, the government advisory group working on electromagnetic fields, will address the Scottish Parliament’s cross-party group on electromagnetic radiation today following concerns about the building of new power lines across Scotland.

Scotland: Health fears prompt call to stop building power lines: "They range from childhood leukaemia, which is the main one well acknowledged, but also a number of other conditions such as adult leukaemia, adult brain tumours, depression, suicide and miscarriages" "Taken together they raise serious public health issues."

Viernes 26 de mayo de 2006 · 1980 lecturas


Tue 23 May 2006

Health fears prompt call to stop building power lines

THE building of new power lines in Scotland should be stopped while the potential health risks to children and pregnant women are measured, a government adviser has warned.

Professor Denis Henshaw, a member of SAGE, the government advisory group working on electromagnetic fields, will address the Scottish Parliament’s cross-party group on electromagnetic radiation today following concerns about the building of new power
lines across Scotland.

While no clear evidence had been found linking power lines to certain illnesses, Prof Henshaw said: . "I am coming up specifically to talk about the adverse affects that have been associated with electromagnetic fields [EMFs], including power lines."

"They range from childhood leukaemia, which is the main one well acknowledged, but also a number of other conditions such as adult leukaemia, adult brain tumours, depression, suicide and miscarriages.

"Taken together they raise serious public health issues."
Prof Henshaw said these health effects should be taken into account before building any new power lines.

"The first thing we need is an open public debate about what the science is saying, which we really do not have at the moment," he said. "The public need the risks explained to them."

Mark Ruskell, a Green MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife and co-convener of the cross-party group, said there are some serious concerns about the impact of pylon lines on human health across Scotland.

"We have to open our eyes to potential health effects and ensure that the electricity grid is fit for the development of renewables while safeguarding health."

Dr John Swanson of the Energy Networks Association will also address the meeting.

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