The Danish Cancer register is often called "the best Cancer register in the world" but yesterday it was reported that the Danish Health Board has failed to publish updated Cancer statistics since 2003. A related database, the death-cause register, has also been neglected - no updates since 2001.
Because of this neglect, neither Doctors, Politicians or others can determine whether the Danish Governments strategies for healthcare have had any effect on Cancer treatment.
"It is the Governments goal that the quality of Danish research must be in the elite, but it’s impossible to assume the lead in International Cancer research with five year old data" says Elsebeth Lynge, professor at the Universitety of Copenhagen.
The Danish Health Board provided intermediate figures in 2005 but those statistics are too incomplete to work with.
Jes Søgaard, Director of DSI Danish Institute of Health, calls the case "strange" and says "The statistics could show whether Cancer treatment plans are having an effect".
The Danish Cancer Society had previously offered assistance to the Danish Health Board in order to help update the official Cancer statistics but even though others did the work, the Danish Health Board has not published it.
Gerda Inglund, senior statistician at the Danish Cancer Society says:
"I’m quite astonished. We carried a part of the expenses and were promised that the statistics would be made public. Despite this, the Danish Health Board has failed to publish the figures.
The Government has met harsh critiscism from the opposition over the missing Cancer statistics.
"This is completely unacceptable. We have no idea where health problems are" says Jens Peter Vernersen (Social Democrats).
It has not been possible to get a comment from Minister of Health Lars Løkke Rasmussen (Liberal Party) nor the Danish Health Board.
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