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Comments from Eileen O’Connor, EM Radiation Research Trust (U.K.)

Third Mobile Communications Seminar. Health Environment Society.Brussels, 20-21 November 2006

Martes 28 de noviembre de 2006 · 1554 lecturas

Comments from Eileen O’Connor, EM Radiation Research Trust (U.K.)

Third Mobile Communications Seminar. Health Environment Society.Brussels, 20-21 November 2006

This week in Europe at the EU meetings it was evident that respect now exists for the work of the Radiation Research Trust. With your tremendous support the Radiation Research Trust has been able to make our presence felt at the third Mobile Communications Seminar two day conference in Brussels. This important two day event included members from World Health Organisation, The Mobile Phone Industry, EU representatives and concerned citizens.

We have been talking with the mobile phone industry this week and agencies about the urgent need for research projects to protect children in the use of mobile phones and to address the issues surrounding EHS.

I also said that in order to move forward in a positive direction Independent Scientists, WHO, ICNIRP and Industry need to get around the table at an event/workshop and start working together rather than keeping up this huge divide. We highlighted the example of the EMF Discussion Group chaired by Sir William Stewart, which includes lay people and scientists from both sides. This has led to a healthy debate and is building respect and understanding between us. The EMF DG has given the public hope as they realise they are now represented and our voices are getting through to the highest level; this has offered a life line especially for people suffering with Electro-sensitivity as their awful situation needs to be urgently addressed, they have a right to equal opportunities and need help and protection. The idea for a workshop inviting all key players was welcomed by the EU and Industry representatives and we have been invited to send out an invitation. I hope we can secure funding from the EMF DG to host this important event.

The trusts connections with Independent scientists and concerned citizens across the world has helped to introduce research and experience to the UK that can benefit suffers from electosmog and communities blighted by an often insensitive mobile phone industry.

Sir William Stewart, Chairman for the UK Health Protection Agency said he welcomes the Radiation Research Trusts common sense and practical approach.

Saturday’s funding boost helps the trust carry on its work as a charity and don’t forget donations from the public are deductible in tax returns. Please write to the following address with regards to any donations or receipts needed.

EM Radiation Research Trust, c/o Crisp Group, 45 Queen St, Exeter EX4 3SR

Best wishes to you and yours at this time.

Yours sincerely

Eileen O’Connor


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