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Electromagnetic field and Epilepsy

Viernes 11 de noviembre de 2005 · 2342 lecturas

Electromagnetic field and Epilepsy
www.csif-cem.org le 04/06/2003
Reminder (extracts WHO N°165 revised in 2001) :
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder of which the crises are the result of electric sudden excessive disposals, generally brief, in a group of cerebral cells (neurones). These electric disposals can take place in different parties of the brain. The demonstrations clinics of the crises are therefore variable and depend on location and function of the cerebral touched cells.
Epilepsy is often but not always the result of an other cerebral disease. In the cases where we cannot identify the origin the theory the most widely accepted at the present time is than it is the result of an imbalance between chemical substances in the brain, in particular the chemical messengers known under the name of neurotransmitters.
Until 5% habitants of the globe will have maybe a crisis in their life.
Epilepsy can have physical and psychological consequences engrave, of which the dead subite, traumatisms or disturbances of the mood.
One knows that there exist the factors releasing with certain patients, for example certain effects of scintillement (music libraries, television, etc.), the hyperpnée, the hyperhydratation, the sleep lack, stress it emotional or physical. It is important to note that these factors are not the causes of epilepsy, but that they have an influence on the moment where produce themselves the crises.