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Asociación Vallisoletana de Afectad@s por las Antenas de Telecomunicaciones - AVAATE

Portada del sitio > Documentos > Magnífico informe del Dr. George Carlo, Chairman Science and Public Policy (...)

Magnífico informe del Dr. George Carlo, Chairman Science and Public Policy Institute. Safe Wireless Initiative.

"Our most recent epidemic curve estimates indicate that for primary brain cancer, in 2005 there were 20,000 new cases directly attributable to mobile phones; by the year 2010, the curve indicates that number will be on the order of 300,000 new cases worldwide. For eye cancer, the curve indicates 10,000 new cases worldwide in 2005 and 100,000 attributable cases by the year 2010. When general morbidity data for the range of symptoms being reported to our registry as consistent with electro-sensitivity are used as the dependent variable, the epidemic curve indicates that by the year 2015, one in every four persons who uses a mobile phone will have a symptom attributable to the phone."

Viernes 20 de octubre de 2006 · 2636 lecturas

Magnífico informe del Dr. George Carlo, Chairman Science and Public Policy Institute. Safe Wireless Initiative.

"Our most recent epidemic curve estimates indicate that for primary brain cancer, in 2005 there were 20,000 new cases directly attributable to mobile phones; by the year 2010, the curve indicates that number will be on the order of 300,000 new cases worldwide. For eye cancer, the curve indicates 10,000 new cases worldwide in 2005 and 100,000 attributable cases by the year 2010. When general morbidity data for the range of symptoms being reported to our registry as consistent with electro-sensitivity are used as the dependent variable, the epidemic curve indicates that by the year 2015, one in every four persons who uses a mobile phone will have a symptom attributable to the phone."