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Finally, Health Effects Were Mentioned in 5G Senate Commerce Committee Hearing. Blumenthal: The American People Deserve To Know

Viernes 8 de febrero de 2019 · 1718 lecturas

Finally, Health Effects Were Mentioned in 5G Senate Commerce Committee Hearing. Blumenthal: The American People Deserve To Know

On February 6, for the first time health effects of 5G and wireless were mentioned in Senate Commerce Committee Meeting on 5G. The Senate Commerce Committee is the Committee entrusted in overseeing the FCC.
I was there with less than a handful of us on July 14, 2016 when the FCC announced 5G. The same week we started our efforts to educate Congress about 5G and wireless health effects. Whenever a 5G meeting/hearing was held, we were trying to get the members of the Committee to ask even just one question about the health effects. Yesterday, February 6, two and a half years later, it finally happened.
I got a call from Paul Mcgavin, who attended the Senate Commerce Committee meeting and he was excited to tell me that Senator Blumenthal made a comment about the health effects.
In the hearing titled Winning the Race to 5G and the Next Era of Technology Innovation in the United States Senator Blumenthal asked, "are there health and safety implications? Are there any safety implications?" to the millions of the small cells that are likely to be located "close to homes, schools work places and closer and closer to the ground" .
He mentioned the letter that he had sent to the FCC in December, 2018 asking Commissioner Carr from the FCC to cite him the research on which the FCC relied upon to guarantee the public that 5G is safe. While we still do not have a copy of the FCC’s response, apparently according to Blumenthal, Commissioner Carr "Essentially has failed to do so" and said he referred him to the FDA. In regard to the FDA website Blumenthal said: "if you go to the FDA website, pretty unsatisfactory, there is basically a cursory and superficial citations" and mocked the statement on its website saying that the FDA encourages industry to conduct research and it was on cell phones not 5G. Then he said: "I believe the American people deserve to know what the health effects are."
Blumenthal also said: "We are flying blind here on health and safety" . That is though inaccurate. We know that the harms of non-thermal levels of RF/Microwave radiation are proven. We have more than ample scientific evidence and unfortunately also the Human Evidence in epidemic scales as states in the 5G Appeal. We are flying blind to a definite greater disaster.
To watch the video of the hearing PRESS HERE. Blumenthal starts at 2:04:00
Since the FCC and the FDA didn’t provide answers he followed the FDA recommendation and asked industry - panelists "how much money has the industry provided for independent research on biological effects? Shouldn’t we scientifically ascertain the health effects? " One of the panelists replied, "we rely on the expert agencies. There are no industry backed studies underway. This new infrastructure is designed to be low powered, low interference."
So the FDA relies on industry and industry relies on the FDA...how long will this mockery of the American people will continue?
Senator Wicker (R-MISS) who is the new Chairman of the Committee (replaced Sen. Thune (R-SD)) summarized the hearing by mentioning the need to protect privacy but in response to Blumenthal’s comments on health Wicker read a quote from the National Cancer Institute, saying the research shows there is no consistent evidence that non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation increases cancer risk. I wonder why he didn’t mention the Government’s own study, the NTP study the biggest and most expensive study on this issue which found CLEAR EVIDENCE of cancer and DNA damage.
Interestingly, the FCC did not appear in front of the Committee only industry was there. It is unusual. Considering the bad media the FCC has been getting following the House Commerce Committee accusing the FCC of Colluding with Industry and considering the municipalities lawsuit could it be that the Senate Commerce Committee (or industry which likely was involved in arranging this hearing) thought the FCC presence will contaminate the efforts to push 5G?
Now we will have to see who will be the next member of the Committee who will do the right thing and speak the truth.
The content of this email can be find on We Are The Evidence’s website, ready to be posted.

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