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Mobile Phone Use and the Risk for Malignant Brain Tumors: A Case-Control Study on Deceased Cases and Controls. Neuroepidemiology 2010;35:109-114. Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg and Kjell Hansson Mild

Martes 22 de junio de 2010 · 1945 lecturas

Mobile Phone Use and the Risk for Malignant Brain Tumors: A Case-Control Study on Deceased Cases and Controls

Lennart Hardell a Michael Carlberg a Kjell Hansson Mild b
a Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Örebro , and b Department of Radiation Physics, Umeå University,
Umeå , Sweden

Neuroepidemiology 2010;35:109-114

We investigated the use of mobile or cordless phones and
the risk for malignant brain tumors in a group of deceased
cases. Most previous studies have either left out deceased
cases of brain tumors or matched them to living controls and
therefore a study matching deceased cases to deceased controls
is warranted. Recall error is one issue since it has been
claimed that increased risks reported in some studies could
be due to cases blaming mobile phones as a cause of the
disease. This should be of less importance for deceased cases
and if cancer controls are used. In this study brain tumor
cases aged 20-80 years diagnosed during 1997-2003 that
had died before inclusion in our previous studies on the
same topic were included. Two control groups were used:
one with controls that had died from another type of cancer
than brain tumor and one with controls that had died from
other diseases. Exposure was assessed by a questionnaire
sent to the next-of-kin for both cases and controls. Replies
were obtained for 346 (75%) cases, 343 (74%) cancer controls
and 276 (60%) controls with other diseases. Use of mobile
phones gave an increased risk, highest in the 1 10 years’ latency group yielding odds ratio (OR) = 2.4, and 95% confidence
interval (CI) = 1.4-4.1. The risk increased with cumulative
number of lifetime hours for use, and was highest in the
1 2,000 h group (OR = 3.4, 95% CI = 1.6-7.1). No clear association
was found for use of cordless phones, although OR = 1.7,
95% CI = 0.8-3.4 was found in the group with 1 2,000 h of
cumulative use. This investigation confirmed our previous
results of an association between mobile phone use and malignant
brain tumors.

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