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Bioelectromagnetics, 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

A Case-Case Study of Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan: A significantly increased risk was identified for mobile phone use for >20 min/day on average, with risk ratios of 2.74 at 1 year before diagnosis, and 3.08 at 5 years before diagnosis.

Miércoles 17 de noviembre de 2010 · 1138 lecturas

A Case-Case Study of Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan
Yasuto Sato,1 Suminori Akiba,2 Osami Kubo,3 and NaohitoYamaguchi1*
1Department of Public Health, School ofMedicine,TokyoWomen’sMedical University,
Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo, Japan
2Department of Epidemiology and PreventiveMedicine, Kagoshima University Graduate
School ofMedical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima, Japan
3Department of Neurosurgery, School ofMedicine,TokyoWomen’sMedical University,
Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo, Japan
Results of case-control studies of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma have been inconsistent.We
conducted a case-case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma using a self-administered
postal questionnaire. A total of 1589 cases identified in 22 hospitals throughout Japan were invited to
participate, and 787 cases (51%) actually participated. Associations between laterality of mobile
phone use prior to the reference dates (1 and 5 years before diagnosis) and tumor location were
analyzed. The overall risk ratio was 1.08 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.93-1.28) for regular mobile
phone use until 1 year before diagnosis and 1.14 (95% CI, 0.96-1.40) for regular mobile phone use
until 5 years before diagnosis. A significantly increased risk was identified for mobile phone use for
>20 min/day on average, with risk ratios of 2.74 at 1 year before diagnosis, and 3.08 at 5 years before
diagnosis. Cases with ipsilateral combination of tumor location and more frequently used ear were
found to have tumors with smaller diameters, suggesting an effect of detection bias. Furthermore,
analysis of the distribution of left and right tumors suggested an effect of tumor-side-related recall bias
for recall of mobile phone use at 5 years before diagnosis. The increased risk identified for mobile
phone users with average call duration >20 min/day should be interpreted with caution, taking into
account the possibilities of detection and recall biases. However, we could not conclude that the
increased risk was entirely explicable by these biases, leaving open the possibility that mobile phone
use increased the risk of acoustic neuroma. Bioelectromagnetics - 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Key words: epidemiology; detection bias; recall bias

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